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Scott's Great Chat

I wanted to help kids with the move from Primary School to High School so in 2019 I started my podcast, Scott's Great Chat. 


In Seasons 2 and 3 I chat about my Marathon and the Telethon Beneficiaries.


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Why a podcast?

I have always enjoyed school but I was not ready for the huge jump that high school is and I found myself dreading going to school. I was not used to doing homework (I had come from a ‘no homework’ Primary School), I had no idea what studying was and I was missing all my friends because they went to a different school to me. I had never really had to try too hard at school and always did well and then all of a sudden that wasn’t working anymore and I didn’t know how to fix it. The work ahead of me seemed too much and I didn’t want to face it.


After talking to one of my friends who had finished school he gave me some very good advice that switched my way of thinking. It was a real ‘light bulb’ moment and things weren’t as hard for me after that chat. 


It got me thinking, surely I’m not the only kid feeling like this, how can I help the kids who are finding high school a hard mountain to climb? Then the idea of a podcast came to mind. How great would it be to be able to share the wisdom of those who have gone through high school, maybe had a hard time, maybe went through some stuff they didn’t like but came out the other end finished school and moved on to the next chapter of their lives.

So what is it about?

© 2024 by Scott's Great Walk for Telethon.



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